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Smoked JERK Ribs

Smoked JERK Ribs
I have had worse Jerk in Jamaica than I make on my own thanks to your awesome Jerk mix.

Submitted by: Eric from COLLEGE PARK, Maryland
Yield: 8


Featured in this Recipe


Preparation Instructions:

Rinse and dry the ribs.
Remove the membrane on the bone side, or simply slice it at each bone. If your grill has limited space, slice each rack in half.
Rub the slabs with olive oil and sprinkle generously with salt.
Sprinkle the slabs generously with Jerk Seasoning.

Smoke them at 250 for 3-4 hours.

This can be done in the oven as well. Add a little liquid smoke to the oil to rub on the ribs at first. Roast the ribs on a rack above a pan with water. Temps can be higher in the oven- 300 is good.

More About This Recipe

I did this with the Thai Red Curry Powder (and sprinkled some demerara sugar) with great results, too! More details for smoking if you need them: Cook in the covered grill or smoker with indirect heat. This works on either gas or charcoal grills. Cook for 3-4 hours. Aim for 250 degrees. Any temp between 200-300 degrees will work. Lower temps help retain moisture. *optional baste with Worcestershire sauce. To set up your grill for smoking: Use wood chunks and drip pan half filled with water. For gas grills, use a cake pan or aluminum foil to hold the wood chunks and put that over the active burner. For charcoal grills, you can just put the wood chunks with the charcoal. I like hickory for this. Put the drip pan under the ribs. This will catch the drippings and add moisture. Use only one burner. Do not put the ribs over that burner. This is indirect cooking. Same applies to charcoal.



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