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Peri Peri Chicken

Peri Peri Chicken
For best results, let this marinate overnight. The longer you let the chicken marinate, the more flavorful, tender, and succulent the meat will be.

Yield: 6 servings


Featured in this Recipe


Preparation Instructions:

Combine spice blend, oil, lemon juice, and vinegar. Whisk until combined.

Place chicken in a large, resealable plastic bag. Pour marinade over chicken and work it around the bag until all pieces of meat are coated in the marinade.

Remove all excess air from the bag, seal it closed, and place in refrigerator for a minimum of 1 hour or up to 24 hours.

Grill over medium-high heat or bake in oven at 375 until internal temperature reached 165 degrees.

More About This Recipe

Try saving any leftover marinade and use it to baste the chicken. Try adding some light beer or wine to the marinade to turn it into a basting liquid. Be sure to bring the marinade to a full boil once it has come in contact with raw chicken to avoid cross contamination.


Based on 2 reviews

Customer Reviews

Lisa B

Excellent spice! I used chicken breasts and then sauteed in avocado oil. Served with rice. Spice is great, not overpowering.

Lynne M Seta

We made this recipe this weekend and it was fantastic. We cooked it in our air fryer at 350 for 15 minutes, turned it over for another 5 minutes and it was perfect. Serviced on a bed or quinoa and a lemon vinaigrette romaine salad with kiwi slices, spring onions and avocado to offset the spiciness of the chicken really worked. This will become a go-to marinade our our household!

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