Cardamom-Ginger Martini

Recipe courtesy of Chasity Marini. The fresh rosemary in the shaker will bruise and release its aromatic essential oils into the drink. Save a pretty piece of one for garnish!
Preparation Instructions:
To make the simple syrup:
Combine water and sugar in a pot medium-high heat. Stir until dissolved and bring to a boil.
Lower heat to a simmer, add cardamom and ginger. Stir and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Let cool.
To fashion the cocktail:
In a cocktail shaker combine gin, vermouth, fresh lemon juice, cardamom simple syrup, a rosemary sprig, and bitters.
Shake well with ice, and strain into a martini glass.
Garnish with rosemary and a slice of crystalized ginger.
This recipe is good. Make it with sweet red vermouth, not dry white vermouth. The recipe does not specify the type of vermouth, but the color of the picture gives some context. I made it with white vermouth first. It was too sweet and needed more gin and extra bitters. The next time, I made it with sweet vermouth and added a little more gin. It was much better. Because the simple syrup makes a lot, I will make it again and try to refine it.