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Antipasto is the traditional first course in a formal Italian dinner, comprised of pickled things: Charcuterie, cheese, vegetables, and/or fish. We like to think of it as "stuff to snack on while cooking." 

This recipe comes from our partner MeatCrafters. You can try our spices in their quality sausages and charcuterie.


Preparation Instructions:

1. Keep it simple. We recommend slicing a salami or two (here we've got the MeatCrafters Porcini and One Wild Fennel salamis, made with the Spice House's porcini powder and fennel pollen, respectively,) and plating some of the MeatCrafters rosemary-thyme bresaola.

2. Slice up some mozzarella (or plate the mozzarella you purchased pre-sliced- no judgement.) If you're looking for extra credit, drizzle the mozzarella with a little olive oil and season with Taylor Street Garlic and Herb Seasoning.

3. Toss your olive mix in Spice House Mediterranean Herb Seasoning.



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