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Niter Kibbeh

Although this recipe is basic to Ethiopian cooking, it tastes wonderful on many things: steamed vegetables, mashed potatoes, steamed rice, and can be used to add extra flavor to many fried foods.

Submitted by: Stephen from Des Moines, Iowa
Yield: about 2 cups


Featured in this Recipe


Preparation Instructions:

1. Heat the butter slowly until it is completely melted. Bring to a boil. Boil without browning until the surface is completely coated with foam. Skim off the foam.
2. Stir in all the remaining ingredients.
3. Reduce the heat to the lowest possible heat and simmer uncovered and undisturbed for at least 45 minutes or until all the milk solids are settled to the bottom and golden brown, and the butter on the top is clear.
4. Strain through several thicknesses of cheesecloth or a tea towel. Store tightly covered in the refrigerator (or freezer) although it will keep for 2 – 3 month without refrigeration.



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