Hot Toddy

A spin on the classic—Bourbon, lemon, honey, cinnamon, and clove all make an appearance. I use chamomile tea instead of water and mace instead of nutmeg. I find that both of their milder flavors let me taste everything else in even proportions. The mace also looks like a flame, and flaming drinks just look plain cool.
Yield: 1 serving
Preparation Instructions:
In a heat tolerant cup, dissolve honey in lemon juice and bourbon.
Stab cloves into lemon wedge garnish, add to cup along with cinnamon stick, mace aril, and a chamomile tea bag.
Fill cup with hot water and steep for several minutes.
Sip and enjoy!
More About This Recipe
Don't let this drink sit for too long, mace that is over steeped with become bitter.