Chocolate Chili

I used to use various chili spice kits and then realized I could make better chili using my own blend of ingredients. This chili is meant to be cooked in the oven for hours, filling your home with the wonderful smells of Tex-Mex cooking!
Chocolate is an authentic Southwestern/Mexican Spice that adds a definite twist to the chili, but don't worry - it won't taste like a chocolate candy bar!
Submitted by: Michael from Rochester Hills, MI
Yield: About 6 quarts
Preparation Instructions:
1. Preheat Oven to 350°
2. In a large bowl, mix the dry spices together and set aside
3. Fill a pot (8 qt recommended) with the Base and heat until warm. There is no need to bring to a boil.
4. Once the Base is warm, add all remaining ingredients EXCEPT the Thickener and the shredded cheese and mix well.
5. Cover the pot and place in the oven and cook for 3 hours
6. Mix the warm (NOT hot) water and masa flour together
7. Remove the pot from the oven, pour the Thickener into the chili, stir well, and return the covered pot back to the oven for an additional 30 minutes
8. Remove from the oven and mix in the 3 cups of cheese
9. Allow to stand for about 10 minutes
10. Eat and Enjoy!
More About This Recipe
Many things to keep in mind, based off feedback I have received: 1. - Make sure your oven is set up to handle an 8 quart pot BEFORE pre-heating so you don't end up having to deal with one or even two 350° oven grates in your kitchen while trying to start the cooking! 2. - Oven temperatures can vary so check the pot periodically. After about an hour, the contents should be lightly bubbling/simmering. If the chili appears to be boiling, turn the heat down to 325° or even 300° 3. - The initial cook time effects the consistency. You can cook for just 2 hours and have a very chunky chili. You can cook for 6 hours and have something more like a Mexican meat sauce. It is up to you. 4. - For hotter chili, replace some or all of the Smoked Paprika with Chipotle Powder, or the Poblano Chilies with Jalapenos. Dried cilantro leaves can be powdered easily in your hands. 5. - I do check for and read user feedback and take it very seriously. I will work with The Spice House to answer any questions or comments you may have.
The name was intriquing so had to give it a try..Waited for my spices to arrive, and the following Sunday, Chocolate chili for all. The smell was mouth watering and one taste of the chili told me it was the best I had ever made or eaten. This will be my families favorite, and made often.