Sassy Sweet Potatoes

Submitted by: AJ Edwards & from Raleigh, NC
Yield: Depends on number of potatoes
Preparation Instructions:
Wash and cut the raw sweet potatoes into approximately 2 inch cubes. Soak in cold, salty water for about 5-10 minutes to draw some moisture out. Drain and pat off excess moisture.
Toss in Olive Oil to coat. Spread on a large cookie sheet. Sprinkle liberally with spice mixture.
Bake for about 50 minutes at 350-400 degrees, until somewhat crispy. After about 20 minutes toss potatoes with spatula and return to oven. Potatoes will be pretty brown.
Good recipe – with changes! Great spice flavor on sweet potatoes, but the second time I made it, I used about 1/4 the amount of spice. I also tossed the sweet potato chunks with olive oil, and then sprinkled the spice mixture and tossed again. This method kept a lot more of the spice on the potatoes and less on the bottom of the pan.