Lavender-Shallot Vinaigrette

Lavender's flavor lends well to both savory and sweet recipes. Try this dressing next time you make nicoise salad.
Submitted by: Rick from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Yield: Roughly 1 cup
Preparation Instructions:
In the cup of a food processor or blender, place the vinegar, shallots and lemon. Let sit about 5 minutes, until hydrated. Puree.
While still running, add the sugar, lavender, salt, mustard, and white pepper. Slowly pour in olive oil.
Transfer to a jar and shake in the thyme leaves.
More About This Recipe
Will keep in the refrigerator for a month.
Hi Sunny,
You can simply use fresh shallots or red onion instead of freeze dried shallots.
What to use if don’t have freeze dried shallots?
Sounds great 👍 will be trying the vinaigrette for the next salad I have.