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Injera - Ethiopian Fermented Flatbread

Injera - Ethiopian Fermented Flatbread
Injera is a flat, spongy, pancake-like bread, traditionally served with Ethiopian stews. (Try making this bread to serve with Doro Wat Chicken Stew.) It has a sour, fermented taste. Usually stews will be served on a large platter lined with injera, with extra pieces used to scoop up the stews for eating. Recipe by Spice House employee Jay Mast.


  • 1 1/2 cup teff flour
  • 2 cups water

Preparation Instructions:

Mix flour and water until smooth. Cover with towel and let set at room temperature for 1-3 days. The mixture should begin to ferment and let a slightly sour smell. You can tell that it is ready when a thick film accumulates on top. It will bubble and look almost brain-like. Skim off and dispose of the dark mold spots. Lightly whisk the batter-it should have the consistency of a thin pancake mix.

Cook the batter in a non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Once bubbles form on top of the bread, cover with a lid and let it steam for roughly one minute.

More About This Recipe

Teff flour is a gluten-free, high-protein flour made from the grains of teff grass, a native Ethiopian grain. Look for it in specialty markets or order it online. Bob's Red Mill makes a nice variety.



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