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Chipotle-Vanilla Salmon

Chipotle-Vanilla Salmon
Vanilla is indigenous to Mexico, therefore we felt its flavor would be appropriately paired with chipotle peppers.

Submitted by: Paige from Evanston, IL
Yield: 4 4-8 oz Salmon Steaks


Preparation Instructions:

Mix oil and honey in a small bowl. Scrape vanilla bean into the mixture. Stir in the remaining ingredients. Rub sauce onto salmon steaks right before grilling, or marinate up to half an hour.


Based on 4 reviews

Customer Reviews

Mary Legallet

Completely delicious and so easy!

Michael J. O

The previous reviewer said she didn’t know wgen to add the chipolte. The answer is in the 3rd sebtence of the directions. It says, “Stir in the remaining ingredients.”

Michael O, Sacramento, CA

Linda C

I don’t mean to be rude but where does the chipotle come in?

Richard B

This is a favorite recipe for salmon —

The honey needs to be dissolved in a little water to help it blend with the oil. I use vanilla paste or extract instead of the bean — it’s just easier.

I sometimes make it with maple syrup instead of honey. This goes well with salmon (or just about anything!!)

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