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Coriander Substitute

Coriander Substitute

There are multiple types of coriander, at The Spice House we carry Indian Coriander Seeds, Moroccan Coriander Seeds, and Ground Moroccan Coriander Seeds. Each type of coriander has a different flavor and is best used in different dishes.

Generally, coriander has a nutty and peppery taste. Indian coriander has a stronger citrus note which could be compared to a Belgian wit bier. Moroccan coriander is the most commonly imported coriander and is pleasantly sweet and savory, typically used in Middle Eastern cooking. When using Moroccan coriander for cooking, the seeds should be gently toasted to activate their natural oils and floral aroma before grinding. 


Substitute for Coriander

Coriander adds a subtle sweetness to Middle Eastern, Indian and Latino cooking. It’s most commonly used in curries, like in this Eggplant Curry Recipe, and is also used in breads, corned beef, sausages, and on vegetables, like these Spice-Roasted Carrots. Indian coriander is typically used for flavoring liquors and brewing beer to add bright citrusy notes. If you don’t have coriander on hand, try one of our coriander substitutions here to create the same flavor.

  • Cumin
  • Garam masala
  • Masala curry powder
  • Caraway



Common Coriander Substitution Questions

Is Coriander the Same as Cilantro?

Coriander and cilantro come from the same plant, however they aren’t the same thing. Cilantro is the name for the plant’s leaves and stem, and coriander is the name for the dried seeds. In countries outside of the US, the leaves and stem of the plant are also called coriander, and the dried seeds of the plant are called coriander seeds. If following a new recipe, be sure to make this distinction.

Can I Substitute Cilantro for Coriander?

Although coriander and cilantro come from the same plant, they don’t taste the same and therefore don’t make great substitutions for each other.

What does Coriander Taste Like?

Coriander can be used whole or ground, and has a very earthy, tart, and sweet flavor. When the seeds are toasted there is a very floral aroma that is given off. Although coriander gives off a sweet aroma, it is still a very savory and herbal tasting spice.



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